Sale Catalog |

• Elite donor female that has a tremendous production record,
exceptional EPDs, outstanding phenotype, and is backed by one of the
greatest cow families in the Hereford breed.
• 1072Y is a full sister to our 1013Y herd sire and a daughter of the
Lot 4 cow that topped our 2013 Female Sale at $70,000. She is a
granddaughter of the great 5139R donor cow that has produced over $1
Million in progeny sales.
• 1072Y progeny grossed over $140,000 in our 2015 sale. Sons were also
the top sellers in the 2017 Baker Herefords and Flying S Herefords sales.
• She boasts average NRs and YRs of 106 on 3 progeny and a 105.8 REA
ratio and 106.1 IMF ratio on 17 progeny on ultrasound
• Ranks in the top 2% of the breed on WW and M&G EPDs, the top 5%
on SC, MM, and REA EPDs; the top 10% on YW and TEAT EPDs,
and the top 1% on CHB$.
• 1072Y is in the top 20 horned dams in the breed with GE EPDs for
• This big ribbed, easy fleshing, great uddered donor is a breed changing
female that combines all that today’s beef industry demands.
• Sons are in use at some of the leading Hereford programs in the U.S.
and another great set of sons will sell in our 2018 Sale.
• Sells open and ready to flush