Bieber Fever III: November 30, 2012

Red Angus Bred Heifers
Lots 1-50
Lots 51-69
Red Angus Donors
Lots 70-81
Bred Cows
Lots 82-124
Lots 125-173
Commercial Bred Heifers
Lots 175-184
Two Year Old Bulls
Lots 200-250
Lots 251-273

Commercial Bred Heifers Thanks for allowing time for the videos to load.

Sale Catalog

Lot 180 A, B, C, D, E
40 to 50 head of Red Angus heifers from Rick and Shelly Ammann, Wilmot, SD; The Ammanns have been using Red Angus since 1978. These Red Angus heifers are ultrasounded to calve March 10th to May 5th. They were AIed to Bieber H Hughes W109 and cleaned up with Basin Hobo 0545 sons, paternal brothers to the Hughes bull.