Bieber Fever III: November 30, 2012

Red Angus Bred Heifers
Lots 1-50
Lots 51-69
Red Angus Donors
Lots 70-81
Bred Cows
Lots 82-124
Lots 125-173
Commercial Bred Heifers
Lots 175-184
Two Year Old Bulls
Lots 200-250
Lots 251-273

Commercial Bred Heifers Thanks for allowing time for the videos to load.

Sale Catalog

Lot 183 A, B, C, D
Lot 184 A, B, C, D
80 head of Red Angus Heifers from SEC Partnership, Leola, SD; These heifers are ultrasounded to calve from March 10th to May 15th. These heifers were AIed to Bieber Outrider W388 and cleaned up with easy calving Bieber Red Angus bulls. The heifers originated from the Wangness, Miller, SD and Hughes, Java, SD herds. These heifers are solid red.