Bieber Fever XI: November 10, 2016

Red Angus
Donor Cows:
Lots 2-12
Red Angus
Bred Heifers:
Lots 13-64
Red Angus Bred Cows:
Lots 65-125Lots 126-175Lots 176-228
Red Angus
Commercial Bred Heifers:
Lots 350-381
Red Angus Bulls:
Lots 240-290Lots 291-348

Red Angus Commercial Bred Heifers Thanks for allowing time for the videos to load.

Sale Catalog

Lot 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366,
40 head of Red Angus Heifers
Pearl Creek Cattle Company, Cavour, SD, Ben Miner 605-354-1026 and Donnie Miner 605-354-7070.
These heifer are home raised heifers bull bred to 3 Fusion sons. The heifers will begin calving Feb 21 thru March 15th. The Miners have been using our bulls since 1999 and decided to offer bred heifers last year. This is the second year the Miners will offer a group of bred heifers thru our fall female sale. These heifers will sell in groups of 5 or more. They will sell in tag order. Each group will be tagged in a series, so the winning bidder will have the right to buy the first 5 and as many as they want within that lot in increments of 5. Feel free to contact Ben or Donnie before the sale.