Sale Catalog |

• Proven donor that is a herd bull producer deluxe. 7003T is the
only female that we have ever used four different sons out of in our
• Great combination of calving ease, maternal and carcass power and
always passes on a great hip and depth of side to her progeny.
• 7003T was the first natural calf out of 5139R and may be even more
prepotent than her mother. She topped our 2013 Female Sale at
• Dam of Lot 1; herd sires 9019W, 1013Y, 2091Z, and 6212D; and
two other daughters are top donor females for us.
• Ranks in the top 1% of breed on SC, MM, and M&G EPDs; the
top 5% on CED; and the top 15% or higher on BW, TEAT, UDDR
and REA EPDs and CHB$.
• Here is the proven factory to produce a great cow herd and herd bull
• Due in mid-January to CL 1 Domino 420B ET
• Owned by M-B Herefords