Sale Catalog |

• Freckle-faced, well-marked, perfect uddered, soft sided, extra
feminine 8050U daughter that is a topnotch donor cow.
• Exceptional EPDs across the board that rank 1056Y in the top 5%
or higher on WW, SC, MM and M&G EPDs; the top 10% on
CHB$; and the top 1% on TEAT and UDDR EPDs.
• Produced a top son that sold to Flying S Herefords in our 2015 sale
and a daughter sold for $13,500 in our 2017 sale.
• Average NR and YR on progeny of 103 and average REA of 110.
• 1056Y is the number one TEAT and UDDR EPD cow in our herd
and the number two horned dam with GE EPDs in the breed on
TEAT EPD. Here is a female to build your cow herd around.
• Due in early February to CL 1 Domino 5110C